Message from Philadelphia Branch NAACP President on the Anniversary of the capitol Insurrection
The world sat in shock and utter disgust on January 6, 2021, as we watched hundreds of people storm the Capitol.
The world sat in shock and utter disgust on January 6, 2021, as we watched hundreds of people storm the Capitol.
“As we prepare to move into the Thanksgiving holiday season and yes, we are thankful for this verdict, let us be reminded that although justice was served in the Ahmaud Arbery trial. A life is still lost and countless other lives have and continue to be lost, because our justice system is still flawed!
For the past twenty years on 911, we are reminded of the 2,977 people who were killed during the most
significant terrorist attack in the history of our country.
In the coming weeks, the NAACP Philadelphia Branch will unveil an effort to reach deep into the communities experiencing the most significant trauma and violence and partner with grassroots leaders, religious institutions, and others in addressing this pain.